
It is biblical to reflect often. We make decisions under pressure, and sometimes in a hurry. Reflection allows us to analyze our decisions, or simply to look back and measure where we have been and what we have learned. I recently went through a 21 day Daniel fast. I have taken the opportunity to look back and reflect on what I believe was key to the fulfillment of my fast and what I believe God said to me at that time. Whatever God say to you, don't forget it. When the Spirit of God speaks to you, trust me, it is going to be important enough for you to listen. Think about it this way, when you are driving to a new destination using GPS, you depend on it to navigate you to your destination. If you don't follow your GPS, you might arrive at the wrong place, at the wrong time. In the same way, God wants to lead and guide you to a pre-determined destination. Your destination will be a new season with a fresh anointing which will enable you to accomplish more than you could have ever imagined. What does He get from all of this? He gets the glory!