Take advantage of those moments.

Fasting and prayer take that heart of stone and makes it a heart of flesh which is the aim of fasting. A tender heart (flesh) is humble enough to listen and be reasoned with. When our heart is tender before God, He is able to bring true transformation.  Remember, He is the "POTTER" and we are the "CLAY". If you allow yourself to become clay in the hands of God, He will transform you into the kind of pottery He wants you to be. And it does not take God forever to make us into His kind of pottery. It only takes God a moment. One moment in the hands of God is equal to years of personal development. God can do in a moment what would take us a lifetime to accomplish. Therefore, when you have those moments where your heart is breaking in worship of God, you are "the me He wants to see". With God, it is always the me He want to see before it becomes the best me I want to see!