Small victories!

Day FIVE! My body has finally accepted that it will not enjoy three hot meals a day and a lot of snacks in between for a while. I am remembering to drink lots of water during my fast. It helps to curve my appetite. I expect to hunger more for God than for food from this point on in my fast. Don't expect to much to soon from your 21 day fast. It takes time to get into your spiritual groove. Don't be surprised about getting your breakthrough, or answer at the end of your fast. If you know the story in the bible about Daniel's fast, you know that his answer didn't come early, but it did come on time. Remember, it is not the destination that is the most important. It is the day to day journey during your fast that allows God to grow your faith, teach you how to recognize His voice, and learn self discipline. Whatever compelled you to fast, keep it in front of you. Pray about it; talk about it; shout about it. Bring it into existence by fasting and praying.