Release the Champion in you.

First, allow me to apologize because my blog posts don't have the comment option. I was disappointed by this, but I am working to get it resolved. I hoped to have had good news to report today, but the tech people didn't get back with me. Hopefully tomorrow.

Hopefully you have begun your fast. If so, congratulation! This is "HUGELY" important to your future. Before Jesus began his ministry, He spent 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness fasting and praying. He knew that his assignment and purpose in life would require superior strength, energy, wisdom, understanding, patience, and a whole lot of love to complete. We can anticipate our tomorrows, but we don't know what we could face tomorrow. But God does and He is ready to reveal it to you over the next few weeks by revelation from the Holy Spirit. So be prepared to listen tentatively to the Holy Spirit's inward prompting. Don't hesitate for a second to respond to what you think his instructions are. He already know the reason for your fast and want to release the champion in you.